AI For Male Factor Infertility

Our studies as well as other studies have shown that intrauterine insemination (IUI) can be effective for infertile couples associated with poor sperm quality, such as oligozoospermia (low sperm concentration in ejaculate semen), asthenozoospermia (weak, sluggish or less motile sperm), especially by the introduction of the “ Wang Tube Real - Time Sperm Micro - Separation Technology”.

By using this system, we can even collect a “ reverse ” high concentration of sperm preparation yet containing almost fully (about 99%) highly motile, microorganisms-free, morphologically-normal, normal-chromatin and fertilizable spermatozoa from an original astheno - oligozoospermic raw semen ejaculate.

For each artificial insemination (AI) treatment, we expect that we can separate and transfer 10-20 million almost fully highly-motile, microorganisms-free, morphologically - normal, normal-chromatin and fertilizable spermatozoa into the uterusor at least 5 million sperm for insemination treatment.

Please note: Only the “Wang Tube System” in the world can separate this kind of high-quality and perfect sperm for fertility therapy. You are welcomed to visit our fertility center physically for a better understanding.

At the time of insemination, if the total motile sperm number is below 5 million, the chance of pregnancy is lower than that of a higher sperm count. If the total motile sperm inseminated is less than half million, pregnancy rate will be lower than that of 5 million sperm inseminated. However, sperm count is not an ideal predictor for pregnancy outcome. In our experience, pregnancies can be achieved even with a total motile sperm number of less than half million. The technique of in vitro fertilization (IVF) with intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is usually required for severe sperm defects.